Sunday, January 4, 2009


I have a few big resolutions for 2009. It is a big year for me since I turn 30 and will celebrate my 1 year wedding anniversary.

1) Fit by 30. I want to lose 30-40 lbs. by the time I turn 30 in October. However, I'd like to lose 20 by the time school lets out and it is beach season. In order to reach this goal, I will continue going to the gym 4-5 times a week, but will work harder while I am there. I will also walk the 2 mile loop around our neighborhood more often (with the dogs of course). In addition, I am trying to eat healthier, which leads to my next resolution.

2) Cook healthy and more often. I'd like either Chip or me to cook dinner 4-5 times a week and then have leftovers for some of the other meals. I plan to accomplish this by cooking in the crockpot a lot. One of my favorite blogs to read is I have tried a number of her recipes and hope to try many more. She's inspired me :).

3) Be more crafty. I just finished my craftroom and my desk (made by Chip) should be done this week. I can't wait to get to work finishing my wedding scrapbook (another goal of the year) and working on other paper and fiber crafts. To inspire me, I am in a few crafty meetup groups and constantly look for fun ideas on blogs and scrapbooks, etc.

4) Be better to myself. I plan to spend more time relaxing (taking baths) and I hope to spend less time scouring the Internet out of boredom. This resolution kinf of links to my other 3 because being fit and healthy is being better to myself. Also, crafting is something I enjoy doing, so that's being better to myself.

So, I hope next year at this time, I am still blogging and I will remember to come back and be able to say I accomplished my resolutions for 2009.

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