My next big undertaking will be painting all the interior moldings of our house white. They are currently wood colored, and they bother me. I have wanted white since we bought the house. A couple weeks ago, we got an estimate from someone for $2500 to paint them. So, I gave up on the idea once again. Then, late Friday night, I was cleaning up our guest room and noticed all the paint on the moldings (done by previous owners). I decided I really wanted to paint the moldings and would do it myself... little by little. I started with the bathroom. I am doing our bedroom next and working across the upstairs and then downstairs. It will be a long process.
Anyway, here's our bathroom pics (sorry some of them are sideways... I need to figure out how to fix that). I am still planning to work on the windows (new blinds and/or new fabric curtains of some sort), a new faucet (already have it... waiting for Chip to install it), painting the doors, and doing something to make the big mirror look better.
Before (when we were looking to buy the house)
Before (walls painted dark brown on the tub wall and vanity painted brown... see above pic for original color)